“Today I received the QPI Au. I can only say that after plugging it in the improvement is huge. More body and detail, better extension of highs, better definition of bass and above all “color”. I don’t want to be misunderstood, but instruments have “color”. My system sounded fairly well but especially during working hours it sounded like... “black and white”. Great!”
Stefano Amico
“I am sorry this has taken so long to post; since receiving my Tri-Cell platform and placing it under my EP 2450 power conditioner, I have been dying to post my impressions, but my work load has been just overwhelming. While the work load hasn’t lessened much, I felt compelled to take a few minutes and let everyone know of the magnitude of improvement these device offers, so they don’t miss out on the deal of a lifetime.
I was not expecting a major improvement, since I already have QPI, QPI silver and QPI gold throughout the house, including the breaker panel, but I figured if the Tri-Cell could take me a step or two closer to “musical truth”, it was worth a try. Wow; was I ever wrong in my pre-conceptions. I installed the Tri-Cell platform, and sadly was not able to listen (even for a short period of time) for a couple of days. Upon starting to listen for the first time about 3 days after install (to Alan’s q-rip of the Berlin Philharmonic String Quintet playing Dvorak), my jaw hit the floor! It was like someone had removed my stereo and replaced it with the actual musicians, or the musicians had jumped out of the speakers. I have never heard tonal accuracy and detail like that before. The soundstage was holographic. I could easily place each musician in the quintet both side-to-side and front-to-back within the soundstage. It was almost as if I could get up and walk amongst the musicians chairs. Each part could easily be distinguished, yet formed a beautiful cohesive whole. Bass has improved markedly both in depth and definition, and the midrange; wow! The textures and timbral hues are to die-for. Wood instruments are now made of real wood, not just the metal strings, and one can hear all the overtones and resonances as if the real instrument were in the room. Switching to brass (my personal favorite, having played trumpet for years) almost brought tears to my eyes. Never have I heard trumpet reproduced like that before. Listening to Ronald Romm play the Virgin of Macarena with the Canadian Brass, you would swear Ron was standing right in front of you. Each sharp articulation made me blink as you could literally feel the wind coming out the bell of his trumpet. Listening to Sergei Nakariakov playing transcriptions for flugelhorn bordered on a religious experience. Amazingly, despite the tremendous increase in clarity and detail, there is not a hint of hardness/brightness. In fact, the slight hint of harshness my system had prior to the Tri-Cell platform has been banished, along with the noise floor, which is now non-existent. I, alas, have not yet had a chance to listen to vocals. If only I were independently wealthy and didn’t have to devote so much time to work; I’d spend all day glued to my listening chair, devouring this new-found audio nirvana! I can’t imagine things could ever get better than this, but that’s the amazing thing about Alan’s genius. He never seems satisfied and continually pushes the envelope of what is possible in sound reproduction. All I can say is “bravo”; the purchase of the Tri-Cell platform is probably the best money I have ever spent for something related to audio. Thanks Alan for making this hobby so much fun and for developing products that enable people to actually experience the music on an emotional level within the comfort of their own home!”
Chris Porada
“Since discovering the importance of power treatment on audio over a decade ago, i have tried (probably) all fashion of conditioners - Audiomagic, Ayre, Shunyata, Audience, Isotek and various balanced types. My preference was strongly in the passive camp with Acoustic Revive RTP Ultimate and Walker Audio's Velocitor being my favorite with QRT (now licensed by Nordost) amongst them. But as good as those products were, Alan's design is generations ahead. Treating my entire home has significantly reduced my noise floor and this is where the QPIs shine - you get the usual inky black backgrounds but in greater magnitudes versus if you just treated the surrounding hi-fi area. What you also get, unlike the usual products, is the increased bandwidth (yes!), digital glare removal, non-restriction of dynamics, nor overt added audio signature. Once the home is treated, and when you think you have all the noise removed, the TriCell platforms takes it yet another level - you discover greater inner details in your music. It's like you've upgraded your DAC to a ultra-high end one where you're hearing details and tonality that you've never heard before. Everything is now not just quieter but also more real.
Alan's product comes with my whole hearted recommendations - one has to be patient (settle in time is no less than 2 weeks+) and be willing to throw away previous notion of various tweaks that helped your system sound better. You will not need them anymore. Well done Alan and team!”
Clinton Yap
“My Maher-tuned system took a very nice step forward when I plugged the QPI Pt into the power bar. I wouldn't have believed it was possible had I not heard it first hand.”
Fred Kabelitz
“The QPI range is plug and play and cost effective way to improve the performance of just about any audio or video equipment. But don't expect to get all your goodies in one package. I have the Au on my valve hi-fi system and the Ag on the TV/HT. The way in which they burnt in/settled was similar... but different. On the TV, there was an instant sharpening on the image as if graining had simply disappeared, but the color balance shot all over the place and noticeably changed day by day. After about 3 weeks it was pretty steady and was good enough that people would actually comment on the quality of the picture. I had previously had the Ag on the hi-fi and moved it over when I got an Au. The Au seems to reveal a richer texture within the sound of each instrument. It isn't just that the dynamic range seems to increase but that every part of the music relaxes in what I could call a natural acoustic, but don't get the impression I just mean wooden instruments as I listen to a lot of electronic music and that has undergone the same changes.Simply plugging the QPI into the second wall socket if the system comes off one is all you have to do although I have now installed second QPIs to both systems so that one is in the outlet and the other on a power strip. The cumulative effect is very clear. The Au does seem better suited to music (or at least on my valve equipment). The Ag is very good indeed with video display and the Cu is good but not as good as the others and can be used as the secondary plug-in or on other appliances to reduce noise all around the house. I haven't had a chance to try the Platinum yet. The difference in quality with the QPIs in the systems is so great as to make them compulsory in my opinion. Obviously the degree of difference is dependent on individual circumstances, but I have tried them in several other people's houses and it is uniformly tremendous.I have decided to not use the standard tweaker clichés of "it was like a veil being lifted off the music" and neither have I felt a need to describe the effects on individual pieces of music as I really don't think that helps unless you are both familiar with them and listening on my equipment, but the QPI range should be on your shopping list immediately!”
Dave Clayden